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You can think about targets in TuxMake in terms of make targets when building Linux. TuxMake does very little beyond running make with the correct parameters and collecting the resulting artifacts. TuxMake will not fix or work around any problems in the Linux build system: if those exist, they should be fixed in Linux.

Targets can have dependencies between them. TuxMake ensures that dependencies are built before the targets that depend on them.

Below we have a description of each of the targets supported by TuxMake.


This target usually does not need to be built explicitly, as most of the other targets depend on them. However, you can still do a build that only builds configuration, if you want.

The config target is also special in the sense that it implements logic to compose the final configuration file. See Kernel configuration documentation for details.

In case you are doing an incremental build and the build directory already contains a .config, this target is skipped.

The final configuration is copied into the output directory as config.


This target runs make. It's an internal target, and is brought in by the others via dependencies. You usually should not need to build it explicitly, and if you do you won't get any artifacts out. The artifacts are tied to the other, specific targets such as kernel, modules, etc.


This target builds the debug Kernel image, i.e. vmlinux. A compressed copy of vmlinux is stored compressed in the output directory, as vmlinux.xz.


This targets builds all DTB files for the selected configuration. The DTBs are collected in a tarball and copied to the output directory as dtbs.tar.xz.

The file structure inside the tarball is not fixed, and depends on the build (target architecture, etc). When postprocessing it, make sure to look foo all files inside, regardless of directory depth.


This target builds all DTB files, like dtbs, but does not rely on the dtbs_install target. It's main goal is supporting DTBs in old kernels where dtbs_install didn't exist. It will be skipped on recent kernels.


Builds the Kernel image, which is copied into the output directory. The default kernel image that will be built is architecture-dependent:

Architecture Kernel image filename
aarch64 Image.gz
amd64 bzImage
arc uImage.gz
arm64 Image.gz
arm zImage
i386 bzImage
mips uImage.gz
riscv Image.gz
x86_64 bzImage

This can be overridden using the --kernel-image option in the CLI and the kernel_image parameter in the Python API.


Builds the kernel as a gzip compressed tarball, which is copied to the output directory. The tarball may include dtbs, modules, the kernel image, and other files.


Builds Debian binary packages out of the built kernel, and copy the *.deb files to the output directory.


Builds the XIP Kernel image, named xipImage, which is then copied into the output directory. This requires setting CONFIG_XIP_KERNEL=y in kconfig, and is only supported by a few architectures. It will be skipped in most cases. When this target is built, the kernel target is not.


This target builds the Kernel modules. The modules are compressed in a tarball, which is copied into the output directory as modules.tar.xz.


This target builds the Kernel headers. The headers are compressed in a tarball. which is copied into the output directory as headers.tar.xz.


Build the kernsel selftests. The resulting, installed tests are compressed in a tarball which is copied into the output directory as kselftest.tar.xz.

TuxMake doesn't do anything special with regards to which tests are built, so by default it will build everything that kselftest builds by default. If you want to build a subset of the tests, you can use the same mechanism that you would use if building Linux by hand: just pass TARGETS='test1 test2'in the command line.


Build the kernel BPF selftests. These are normally excluded from the kernel selftests because they require the most recent clang toolchain and a specific kernel configuration. The resulting, installed tests are compressed in a tarball which is copied into the output directory as kselftest-bpf.tar.xz.


DEPRECATED: this target is deprecated. You should use --kconfig-add=make:kselftest-merge instead.

This target merges some configuration required by kselftest in the kernel configuration. It will run after the config target. Note that kselftest does not require this, so if you want kselftest-merge to be built, it needs to be specified explicitly. If built, it will always be built before kselftest itself.


This target run check with clang static analyzer.


This target builds the cpupower program and libraries, from tools/power/cpupower.


This target builds the perf tool, from tools/perf. The resulting artifact is a tarball named perf.tar.gz that can be extracted in a rootfs to provide perf, trace, and it plugins.